Geolytix have 50,000 Retail Places and Venues covering 50 countries across the globe. We continue to add new countries as we help our customers expand internationally.

New Market Entry
Our global cities dataset is often used to perform a high level scan of potential. Joining this dataset with our retail places and demographic data identifies specific centres that provide the highest opportunity for sales.
Transit Locations
We have airport, train stations and motorway service area boundaries. Using these place types alone or paired with passenger numbers, modelled traffic counts or processed mobility data and your store network we can identify the next locations you should target to open.
Destination Retail
We can overlay your store network with our retail park, leisure park and shopping centre locations to identify the strongest and 'best-fit' locations for your brand.
Convenience Sector
Urban centres, village centres and parades all offer lots of convenience location opportunities whether it be for a grocery store, off license, Post Office or pharmacy.
Optimising your store network
Retail places have a strength score (a retail sales proxy), size (number of retailers) and type of retail (% splits). These are an invaluable overlay to retailer sales performance when deciding whether to relocate or close stores.

These are just a few of many reasons of how Retail Places could benefit your business as an input through network strategy, location planning, omnichannel retailing and spatial modelling. Our global Retail Places offer a consistent approach ideal for international retailers as well as nationally operating and local brands.

If Geolytix data could help answer your business questions please contact us to discuss further.
Title Image: Photo by Gregory DALLEAU on Unsplash